terra is a landscape architecture studio based in Lisbon. knowing the identity and material of which each place is made is essential for the understanding and transformation of this space. our approach is based on a process and function-oriented practice that creates, restores and improves urban and natural environments. terra seeks to offer implementable solutions that improve the quality of life and promote the sustainable use of resources.

Duarte Natário (Porto, 1987), Master in Landscape Architecture from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (2010) and Postgraduate in Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology (2017).
In 2012, he received the IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe research grant. He writes on topics related to Landscape and Urban Planning, having collaborated with the newspaper o Público.
Directed the documentary Tudo é Paisagem (2019), about the history of Landscape Architecture in Portugal. He is also a collaborator at the Landscape Observatory of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. He is Terra’s managing partner.

João Francisco Coelho (Porto, 1986), Architect with a master’s degree in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venecia (2004-2010).
He did an internship in Berlin at the Welter+Welter Architekten studio where he would collaborate for 4 years (2011-2015). He collaborated in Lisbon with the studio In’loki – territory and architecture (2015- 2020).
He programmed and guided study visits within the scope of Portuguese contemporary architecture in association with the Wentworth Institute of Technology of Boston (2016-2018).
He collaborates since 2021 with Terra.
Madalena Branco
Graduated in Landscape Architecture from ISA, Lisbon. She has collaborated with Terra since 2023.
past collaborations
Pedro Casalta (2021)
Vasco Duarte (2023)
Joana Azevedo (2023)